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Our Mission


Excellence in land planning and civil engineering services

It is the Ubora way! From concept planning to completion, our highly skilled professional team works together to bring all projects to a successful and timely completion. We combine technical expertise with common sense and practical experience. We maintain a high level
of credibility with our clients and the public agencies.

Keys to Success

  • The name "UBORA" comes from a Swahili word that means "excellence", and nothing less will do.
  • Provide professional quality services on-time and on-budget.
  • Treat every client with importance.
  • Develop a follow-up strategy to gauge performance with all clients.
  • Implement and maintain a quality control and assurance policy.
  • Actively recruit and retain quality employees.  
  • Offer competitive compensation and benefits to our employees and treat them as we want to be treated.

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